
Mexico is a land of much natural beauty and mineral resources.  It is bordered on the north by the United States; on the south and west by the Pacific Ocean; on the southeast by Guatemala, Belize, and the Caribbean Sea and on the east by the Gulf of Mexico.  Covering almost two million square  kilometers (over 760,000 sq mi), Mexico is the fifth largest country in the Americas by total area and the thirteenth largest independent nation in the world. With an estimated population of over 112 million, it is the eleventh most populous country and the most populous Spanish-speaking country.  Mexico is a federation comprising thirty-one states and a Federal District, the capital city.

The lambs of God in Mexico, like in most of the world, are very kind and hospitable. We found them to be very open to the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit and very hungry.  We had been in Mexico before in the late 1990's in the area of theYucatan Peninsula, namely in Cancun, Campeche and Merida.  We went back in February 2012 to the area of Acapulco, in the State of Guerrero.  This is a very needy area due to the high incidence of violent crimes which have been making the news in recent months.  

We want to thank all of you who helped us go there with your financial and prayer support.  Without you we would not have been able to do it.  Thank you for your kindness and generosity.  You are all partakers of the fruit that was reaped during this crusade.  Only eternity will reveal the full extent of what our mission trip to Acapulco, Mexico accomplished.  

Before I begin the report of the trip, I must say that we have been asked by my dear friend 'J' who organized this crusade not to share his name or that of others who were there.during this crusade.  I understand his petition and out of respect for his request we will not be mentioning any names or sharing photos from any of the others involved.  I pray and trust this will not be construed as disrespect or dishonor towards anyone else that was there during this time.  Thank you for your understanding.

Acts 2:46-47:  "And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their food with gladness and sincerity of heart, Praising God, and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as were being saved." 


 We arrived in Mexico City on Tuesday 3/22 and traveled by bus to Cuernavaca where we stayed with my friend 'J' for the night.  The following day after having breakfast we took a bus for 4 hours that took us to the city of Acapulco I would be for the next 2 weeks.  The first night we met all the pastors and intercessors that would be working with us during that tiime and had communion together.  For the next two weeks, we ministered every single day, sometimes twice a day.  We saw many people healed of cancer, growths, tumors, stomach disorders as well as mental disorders. 

 Photo Of Jesus Christ In The Heavens Taken By Someone While We Were There



The Lord moved is a mighty way in many of the services ministering to the needs of the people.  In one service alone there were at least 40 people that were saved for the first time or had backslidden and came back to Papa.  Also in another service we had over 14 people that were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke with other tongues.  We prayed for 3 men that were deaf and they all received their hearing.  Also there were three blind people who received their sight reported by others in the team.


There was a powerful move of God on the young people.  Many of them are having dreams and visions of coming catastrophes and the return of Jesus Christ Yahushua Ha Mashiak.  On a Saturday morning we went to Jorge Campos Gimnasium in the city of Zapata, which is the stomping grounds of the gangs of Acapulco, to minister to a few hundred children with different kinds of problems.  Many of them experienced a touch from the presence of the Lord as we prayed for them.




There was a girl that had a powerful experience with the Lord as she fell to the floor when we prayed for her. She later told me that she felt the Lord Jesus Christ Yahushua embracing her and telling her that He was going to take care of her and her mother who was too sick to work and make a living.  We prayed for her and for her mother's healing.



We also visited an orphanage which the Lord had laid on my heart to do while in Acapulco, Mexico.  The  orphanage we visited called Casa Hogar Del Niño De Acapulco, was bought by Billy Graham many years ago and is presently operated by a local church called Jesus De Nazaret.  They have been operating for 35 years and have a total of 60 orphan children from the ages of 5 to 18 years old.  They provide housing, food and education for the children until they graduate from High School or College and have a job. 




While talking to the people who run the orphanage, I asked what was the greatest need the Orphanage had in meeting the needs of the children.  Without hesitation I was informed that food was the greatest need.  I gave the orphanage the equivalent of approximately $300 dollars and asked that the money be targeted towards the purchase of food for the children.  It is not much, but they were extremely grateful and showed us the whole facility.  Those of you who gave money towards our trip to Mexico, you are part of this as well.  May the Lord continue to bless you and keep you in the days ahead.