
Colossians 3:14-15:  "And above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you are called in one body; and be thankful."


I would like to show my appreciation to:

My Dear Heavenly Father ABBA, who created me to be what I am by His grace and who I have always loved since I can remember -

I WORSHIP YOU!           

My Beautiful Wonderful Savior Jesus Christ, who rescued me while I was yet a sinner and who I love with all my heart -

I EXALT YOU!      

My precious inseparable friend Holy Spirit, who continually nurtures me and constantly helps me in my darkest trials and tribulations -


I want to express my gratitude to my wife Yvette for her understanding of my time dedicated to this ministry, so that the lambs of God could receive salvation, healing, deliverance and teachings.

I would also like to express my thanks and appreciation to our producer Chuck Wilson who help us produce many of our radio shows and post them on all the platforms. Chuck is the man behind the voice that introduces me in every one of our radio broadcasts as well as the voice in the production of all our dreams and visions videos. 

Also my special thanks to our producer Steve Arnold who helps us produce all our teaching radio shows as well as post them on all the platforms. He also has done a great job in preserving all of our teachings through Audio DVDs and posts them on Kunaki so that the Bride of Christ is able to have access to them during the difficult dark times ahead. 

A big thank you to Marc Brown for producing all the videos of our dreams and visions, so that those who do not know our LORD Jesus Christ may be saved during the endtime harvest of souls taking place now and in the days ahead. Also a thank you to Tyler Denver for the video that he produced for us and for helping us keep our radios shows uploaded on ITunes so the body of Christ can listen to our podcasts.

I would like to express my thanks and gratitude to those of you who have been faithfully standing with us through the years. Thank you for your faithful financial, emotional and prayerful support.  Without you, we would not be able to do what we are doing. 

Finally, my gratitude to the Liasons of all our men and ladies Battalions Steve Arnold and Gerri Pett, as well as all of our IPT Prayer Battalion leaders and warriors who daily cover me, my family and this ministry with their prayers.  May our Heavenly Father reward you, bless you and keep you safe you in the days ahead.

In His Love,

Augusto Perez